Myths of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Debunked myths of testosterone replacement therapy
Debunked myths of testosterone replacement therapy

Years of confusion within the medical world and media has caused many medical providers to avoid prescribing Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). For decades, it was reported that using testosterone caused prostate cancer and heart problems and that using testosterone caused uncontrollable rage. Undoubtedly, abuse of testosterone and other steroids generated this wrong assumption. They would use large doses daily of a combination of steroids to bulk their muscles. However, TRT for low testosterone and health maintenance is not prescribed this way. The myths of testosterone replacement therapy have been proven wrong with research. The current scientific guidelines regarding testosterone replacement supports its benefits.

‘Roid Rage Myth

Videos of bodybuilders and regular people exploding with rage have perpetuated the myth that all testosterone use is bad. Those are examples of people using combinations of steroids in large quantities daily. Rather, proper use of TRT does not result in this issue.

Prostate Health Myth

People believed that testosterone supplementation caused prostate cancer. Indeed, the opposite is true. TRT helps reduce risk of prostate cancer.

Heart Health Myth

Myths that testosterone causes heart attacks and strokes are long-standing and have no proven basis. Significantly, research has found that TRT improves heart health.

Benefits of TRT

Research is beginning to prove what many patients report. TRT has many benefits physically, mentally, and sexually. See this article about “symptoms of low testosterone” and this one explaining “what is testosterone replacement therapy” to learn more. In conclusion, TRT is a safe and effective way to reverse symptoms that are preventing you from enjoying your life.[link Symptoms of low test, What is testosterone replacement therapy.

If you feel that the symptoms of low testosterone are something that you are experiencing, contact us at The Practitioner’s Pen and meet with Kimberly Stephens, MSN FNP-BC APRN, to find out your testosterone levels and start treatment. The sooner we start, the sooner those symptoms disappear, and you can feel like yourself again.

“I had done TRT years ago with a doctor who was not familiar with all the aspects of treatment. Because of his lack of understanding, I spent years with high irritability and anger issues. I did not realize I was behaving that way until my family let me know. I stopped TRT. The benefits I was getting from it went away as well. Then I found Kim. After discussing it with her I realized she had a better understanding of TRT and that there was more involved than just testosterone. She explained that the testosterone was being converted into estradiol in my body which was causing the irritability and anger issues. We did labs and found that I was low in test and high in estradiol. She was right. I started TRT with estrogen blocker. Because of my body type, I didn’t see immediate results, but with some minor food changes that Kim suggested and continuing TRT with the blocker, my body started to transform and at 57 I feel better than I did at 40. I want to thank Kim for having the knowledge and patience to help me understand and learn what to do to change my life. Besides helping me it has helped my friends and family that I interact with.”

– Anthony Potignano, TRT patient of Kimberly Stephens since 2018

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